Limits of stable combustion of petroleum gases

Authors: O.A. Zueva, N.L. Bachev, R.V. Bulbovich (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm)

Key words: petroleum gas, the concentration limits of combustion, Le Chatelier's principle, kinetics of reaction of the combustion, ballasting component.

The article describes the determination of the ranges of excess air factor, which provide steady burning dissimilar in composition petroleum gases with high content of nitrogen at their disposal in gas-turbine installation to generate electric energy. Concentration limits of burning at real modes of submission of the oxidant and fuel in multi-zone combustion chamber obtained by the method of Le Chatelier's and the method taking into account the kinetics of combustion. Comparison of the obtained results showed that applies the least time-consuming method Le Chatelier's principle, with sufficient accuracy for the adoption of technical solutions. The authors propose organization of the combustion process in the first zone when the excess air ratio of the obtained ranges in developing a unified multi-zone combustion chamber comprising a gas turbine plant. Flammability limit for oil produced gas with a nitrogen content of up to 60%, produced a public company LUKOIL - PERM and the RITEK - Uraloil in the fields of the Perm region.
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