Direction to increase the energy efficiency of asynchronous electromechanical energy converters for electric drive of sucker rod pumping installations

Authors: P.N. Tsylev, I.N. Shchapova (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm), V.A. Shchapov (Institute of continuous media mechanics, Ural Branch of RAS, RF, Perm)

Key words: asynchronous electric drive of sucker rod pump, the working winding, reactive current, power factor.

For periodic operation of unproductive oil wells is a number of shortcomings, to which, first of all, it is necessary to attributed decrease in volume of oil production, the intensive growth water cutting of production, productivity of the installed equipment does not meet the production rate of oil wells.

Transition to a continuous mode of operation for unproductive oil wells until recently restrained by absence in the market electrotechnical production of asynchronous electromechanical energy converters (AEEC) with synchronous rotation frequency of a rotor 150-500 min-1 and power 3-10 KW.

Vladimir Electromotor Plant JSC in 2010 started release one - and multi-speed AEEC with synchronous rotation frequency of a rotor 500 min-1 for the drive of rod pump. Use of such converters together with system of replaceable pulleys, belt drive and two-stage reducer allows provide a continuous mode of operation for number of unproductive oil wells.

A further solution the translation problems of the unproductive oil wells fr om periodic mode of operation to continuous mode demands development of production AEEC with synchronous rotation frequency of a rotor 150-375 min-1. Difficulty in solving this problem is connected with ensuring acceptable values of energy indicators AEEC.

A design AEEC with increased value for coefficient of efficiency is proposed. The increase for the energy coefficient of efficiency and power efficiency AEEC is provided due to power factor increase to the values close to its lim it value. The solution of this task is reached by placement on a stator AEEC the additional three-phase winding, which is connected to condensers. Such technical solution allows to create a magnetic field in air gap AEEC using reactive currents of additional winding and to unload a network three-phase winding from a reactive component of current.
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