Improvement of the development systems and enhanced oil recovery in pools of the Volgograd region fields

Authors: I.B. Fedotov, O.Yu. Kashnikov, A.V. Khanov, V.K. Artyukhovich (LUKOIL-Engineering Limited VolgogradNIPImorneft Branch Office in Volgograd)

The article includes the results and assessments of industrial perspectives of enhanced oil recovery methods in the fields of Volgograd region. The performed studies, calculations and results of implementation proved the possibility of oil recovery enhancement at the final development stage of the fields with fractured, low-permeability carbonate reservoirs by means of injection of fine-dispersed mixture of oil and gas (WAG injection). Created and implemented technologies of effective development of reef formations with carbonate, fractured reservoirs can be applied in other oil-producing regions of the country which will allow to preserve high rates of oil withdrawal and increase oil recovery.

Key words: development systems improvement, enhanced oil recovery, ejection disperser, water-and-gas mixture injection, additional oil production, production watercut decrease.

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