Interval standardized acid treatment of low-permeability terrigenous reservoir

Authors: A.V. Kustyshev, Ye.V. Panikarovsky, D.A. Kustyshev (TyumenNIIgiprogas LLC, RF, Tyumen)

Key words: interval standardized acid treatment, low-permeability terrigenous reservoir, well, intensification, critical area of formation, hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, mud acid.

Methods of a stimulation of inflow of hydrocarbons in oil and gas wells deposits are considered. It is noted, that their individual processing is necessary for effective extraction of gas from a productive layer with cutting off of each layer from each other. Technologies of processing critical area of formation by cutting off of layers from each other by means of inflatable packers, lowered on flexible pipe coiled tubing installations.
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