New calculation method of admissible brought stress values

Authors: R.N. Bakhtizin, K.R. Urazakov, R.R. Rizvanov (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa)

Key words: sucker rods, fatigue, brought stress by A.S. Virnovsky, modified Goodman diagram.

The subject of this work is a fast method of calculations of the admissible brought stress values by A.S. Virnovsky (the sucker rod strength unit by the GOST R 51161 standard) for sucker rods of sucker rod pumping units. The results are equation solvings to determine requisite value. This method is reasonable to use at the calculations of the admissible brought stress for new sucker rods instead of long term field trials. Due to this described method it has first got the admissible brought stress values for sucker rods of Ochersky machine-building factory. Those values are recommended for oil field practice. It has developed crossplatform software implementing described calculation method.

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Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1977, 181 p.
2. American Petroleum Institute. Recommended practice for care
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3. Bakhtizin R.N., Urazakov K.R., Rizvanov R.R., Elektronnyy nauchnyy
zhurnal "Neftegazovoe delo" - The electronic scientific journal Oil and Gas Business, 2011, no. 4, pp. 66-73. 

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