Development of technology remediation soil contaminated by oil using GUMIKOM

Authors: Ya.I. Vaysman, I.S. Glushankova, L.V. Rudakova (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm), V.V. Kumi, I.P. Tokarev (Emulsion Technology Co.Ltd, RF, Samara)
Key words: oil-contaminated ground, humic-mineral complex, remeditsiya,

The paper presents the results of comprehensive laboratory and pilot studies on the remediation and detoxification of contaminated soils in the presence of humic preparation GUMIKOM, extracted from brown coal. Set of physical and chemical and biochemical mechanisms of acceleration of the processes of self-purification, detoxification and phytoremediation of contaminated soils and conditions and parameters of the process. Pilot tests on the remediation of contaminated soils at oil production facilities in the Samara area are carried out. Based on the studies the technology for remediation of contaminated soil and ground is developed using GUMIKOM to provide technical grounds.

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