Algorithm for detecting partial clogging in pipeline

Authors: M.V. Lurie (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, RF, Moscow)

Key words: oil, local obstacle, partial clogging, measurement of pressure and velocity on the ends of the controlled segment, method of characteristics, detection algorithm.

Locating method (L-method) for detecting the location of a partial clog in the pipeline is developed. The method is based on continuous measurement of pressure and velocity (or flow rate) on the ends of the controlled segment with subsequent processing of the measured values according to unique mathematical algorithm. The proposed method allows detection of partial clogging in the pipeline and assessment of the extent of its impact on the reduction of flow rate. This method is recommended as primary or supplementary to existing methods for detecting clogging within the pipeline.

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3. Patent no. 2421657 RF, Procedure for detection of liquid hydrocarbon leaks
from mains, Inventors: Zverev F.S., Lur'e M.V. 

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