Reference specimens corrosion rate estimation at downhole conditions

Authors: I.R. Shangareev, R.A. Dmitriyev, A.M. Sozonov, A.I. Malanin (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft, RF Tyumen), R.V. Avershin (Oil and Gas Production Department Fedorovskneft, RF, Surgut)

Key words: corrosion rate, corrosion reference specimens, the device for installation, the packer device, operating conditions.

Impossibility to simulate real conditions of casing pipe operation in the laboratory, as well as the low reliability of laboratory values of corrosion rates became a cause of execution of the experiment to estimate the corrosion rate in real downhole conditions. The principle of studying the corrosion rate and the technical device for the installation of reference specimens, which allow to estimate the degree of negative impact of external factors on the casing pipe and the effectiveness of the proposed measures for chemical protection against corrosion in the future, are developed.

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