1. Government Decree of 10.04.2013 no. 317 “Ob utverzhdenii
Polozheniya o plane snizheniya sbrosov zagryaznyayushchikh veshchestv,
inykh veshchestv i mikroorganizmov v poverkhnostnye vodnye
ob"ekty, podzemnye vodnye ob"ekty i na vodosbornye ploshchadi”
(On Approval of the Regulations on reducing discharges of pollutants
and other substances and micro-organisms in the surface water, underground
water bodies and watersheds).
2. Federal Law no. 416-FZ of 07.12.2011. “O vodosnabzhenii i vodootvedenii”
(On the Water Supply and Sanitation) with additions from
3. Stakhov E.A., Ochistka neftesoderzhashchikh stochnykh vod predpriyatiy
khraneniya i transporta nefteproduktov (Cleaning oily waste
water of enterprise storage and transportation of petroleum products),
Leningrad: Nedra Publ., 1983.
4. About oil skimming, URL: