Key words: reservoir carbonate reservoirs, lithification, fracturing, deposit.
In the old oil fields it is observed reorientation exploration in shallow horizon sediments, accompanied by generalization and re-interpretation of the accumulated geological and geophysical information on the new technical and methodological level. The object of study – is Maastrichtian deposits of the Upper Cretaceous of Eastern Stavropol, is traditionally considered as one of the most promising oil and gas complexes. However, despite the proven industrial productivity, the total oil and gas exploration Upper Cretaceous deposits played a very limited position. This is due to the complexity of the structure of the Maastricht natural reservoir, as well as the specific conditions formation and distribution of oil, what about-Understands the difficulties of their exploration and development. Some difficulties also arise in calculating reserves hydrocarbon resources in carbonate reservoirs in terms determination of the useful capacity. In connection with this are highly relevant researches aimed at the study of factors affecting on-formation of complex natural oil reservoirs in the upper-Cretaceous complex of East Stavropol, which may be increase effectively engage hard-to-reserves owls in the development.
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