Usage of microfiltration membranes for water treatment of technological appointment at the petroleum refining industry

Authors: S.S. Novikov (Synergetic Technology LLC, RF, Moscow; Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, RAS, RF, Moscow), S.Е. Belova, A.Yu .Sanderov (Synergetic Technology LLC, RF, Moscow), A.B.Yaroslavtsev (Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, RAS, RF, Moscow)
Key words: microfiltration, membranes, water treatment systems, water supply.

Authors offered a new class of microfiltration membranes ULTRA-J based on
modified polycarbonate with the spatial globular structure. The technology existing
at present allows to make purposefully membranes with effective pore diameter
0,1-5 micron. Low thickness (to 150 microns) and high porosity (to 80 %)
provide a high specific productivity at entrance pressure on membrane
0,1-0,2 MPa up to 0,9 m3/(m2∙h). An important advantage of ULTRA-J is constant filtration efficiency, which is lightly dependent of the inlet pressure. This
property is due to the rigid addition structure of spatial globular modified polycarbonate. The tests of membranes ULTRA-J at Kamenskvolokno JSC showed the prospects of using them for water pretreatment in industry. Roll-cage modules based on microfiltration membranes ULTRA-J have been recommended
for use in constructing of water cycling system with productivity 100 m3/h.

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