Reservoir management by long-term downhole production monitoring on the example of Western Salymskoye oilfield

Authors: D.N. Gulyaev, A.I. Ipatov, M.I. Kremenetsky, S.I. Melnikov (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), E.E. Mikhajlenko (Salym Petroleum Development LLC, RF, Moscow)

Key words: managing the development, well-testing, permanent downhole gages (PDG).

Long term downhole production monitoring by permanent downhole gages (PDG) becomes key element of production control system. It allows determining pressure and skin changes with time, well interference and formation changes vs. distance. On base of such information workovers, hydrofractures, acidizing and other treatment and development manage actions are recommended for production enhancement.


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7. Gulyaev D.N., Kokurina V.V., Kremenetskiy M.I., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2009, no. 12.

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