The main directions of the associated gas utilization

Authors: M.S. Turbakov, E.V. Kozhevnikov, E.P. Ryabokon, S.E. Chernyshov (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm)

Key words: production well, the complications in the extraction of oil, technology of gas utilization, utilization of associated petroleum gas.

Due to rising energy prices and the gradual depletion of existing recourse there is the question of reducing the loss of energy and efficient way to use existing resources. Associated petroleum gas (APG) - is a by-product of oil production, which is a valuable raw material for the chemical and energy industries. There are a lot of interrelated reasons for associated gas is not fully utilized in the oil fields in Russia, such as technological, economic and environmental reasons. Positive economic effect can be achieved by the accomplishment of the target (95% set by the Government of Russia) as a result, a reduce of penalties for emissions, and by using of gas as an energy source and chemical feedstock.



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