Double-action ESP pumping system for dump flooding

Authors: A.R. Rakhmanov, R.N. Akhmadiev (Oil and Gas Production Department Almetyevneft, RF, Almetyevsk), K.V. Valovsky, G.U. Basos (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma)

Key words: water-producing wells, oil production costs, down-hole gravity separation, double-action pumping system, ESP pumping system, intake formation, dump flooding to maintain reservoir pressure.

This paper discusses some aspects of improving water-producing wells operation through the use of double-action ESP pumping systems for dump flooding to maintain reservoir pressure. These pumping systems provide for down-hole gravity separation of crude oil and associated water. Then, either low-water-cut oil is produced to the surface while most of the separated water is injected to the intake formation without its lifting to the surface, or oil and water are lifted to the surface separately. In addition, ESP systems ensure low-cost control of oil-water mixture/separated water ratio, as well as the injected water quality control.


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