Synthetic polymer fiber increases efficiency of remedial cementing

Authors: R.A. Tabashnikov (OOO Tatneft-AlmetyevskRemServis, RF, Almetyevsk), R.R. Kadyrov, A.S. Zhirkeev, A.V. Patlai (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma), B.N. Zagrutdinov (Oil and Gas Production Department Almetyevneft, RF, Almetyevsk)

Key words: fiber, fiber-cement slurry, lost circulation, injectivity.

TatNIPIneft has developed a remedial cementing technology to fight lost circulation issues. The technology uses cement compositions with reinforcing fiber additives. Reinforcing fiber is made of thermoplastic polymer and has a cylindrical shape. Cement systems are characterized by high mobility, enhanced sedimentation stability, reduced water loss, good mudding off properties, ensuring high set strength. Out of seven remedial jobs performed in TATNEFT wells, six yielded positive results.


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