New apparatus addresses to solve the problem of bit balling

Authors: G.G Ishbaev, M.R. Dilmiev, A.V. Khristenko, A.A. Mileyko (Sientific and Production Enterprise BURINTEKH Ltd., RF, Ufa)

Key words: drilling swelling formation, accretion of clay, bit balling, adhesive interaction, sticking the pipe string.

Drilling bit balling leads to a decrease in the rate of penetration and the various emergency situations. Improving of anti-adhesion properties of drilling mud during drilling swelling formation reduces the adhesion of the clay slurry to the surface of the drilling bit. A description of the apparatus, which allows to estimate the ability of drilling mud to inhibit drilling bit balling, is given.


1. Khristenko A.V. Obosnovanie khimicheskoy obrabotki burovykh rastvorov dlya preduprezhdeniya sal'nikoobrazovaniya pri razburivanii plastichnykh gornykh porod (Justification of the chemical treatment of drilling fluids to prevent balling when plastic rock drilling): Doctor of Science dissertation, 2010

2. Khristenko A.V., Mileyko A.A. Ustroystvo dlya opredeleniya adgezii gliny k metallicheskoy poverkhnosti v srede burovogo rastvora (A device for determining the adhesion of clay to the metal surface in drilling mud), Reshenie o vydache patenta ot 16.03.2012 po zayavke no. 2012107510 (Decision to grant a patent on 16.3.2012 on the application number 2012107510).

3. G.G. Ishbaev, M.A. Tikhonov, M.R. Dil'miev, et al., Burenie i neft', 2011, no. 4.

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