On estimation of the emergency slits discharge coefficient by the experimental spill data

Authors: Sh.I. Rakhmatullin, N.P. Zakharov (Center of Pipeline Transport Hydraulics of the Republic of Bashkortostan Academy of Sciences, RF, Ufa), A.N. Korkishko (LUKOIL - Western Siberia LLC, RF, Kogalym), V.G. Karamyshev (Institute of Power Resource Transport SUE, RF, Ufa)

An algorithm for evaluation of the discharge coefficient of the fluid at outflow from the slits, formed at the pipeline breaking, is suggested on basis of the analysis of experimental data. It is noted that in laminar flow the discharge coefficient of model opening at experimental data processing should be calculated by taking into account the linear dependence of the velocity and flow rate on pressure drop. The estimation of the fluid flow regime in the model orifice must precede to calculation of the fluid flow rate coefficient according to the experimental spill data.

Key words:fluid discharge, flow coefficient, hydraulic resistance, flow rate, pressure drop, laminar and turbulent mode.


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