Low limits of Tournaisian stage formation porosity

Authors: B.F. Borisov, V.E. Vasilistova, O.L. Kuzovenkova, O.Yu. Lepeshkina, T.G. Shults (Giprovostokneft OJSC)

The article provides for results of defining porosity low limits of Tournaisian stage producers having different reservoir and saturating oil properties. 19 Tournaisian stage fields located mainly in Samara region were taken for the analysis. Limit values were defined by 3 methods. Using methods gave close values. Reservoir oil viscosity impact on porosity low limits was studied. Obtained values of porosity low limits can be used when substantiating Tournaisian stage «reservoir – non reservoir» criteria for other fields with insufficient or missing appropriate input data.

Key words: low limit of porosity, reservoir, oil saturation, viscosity

List of references

1. Tul'bovich B.I., Mitrofanov V.P., Beyzman V.B. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 1989, no. 11, pp. 28-31.

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