Introduction of new technologies of repair and insulating works in wells of RN-Purneftegaz OOO
Authors: A.V. Sakhan, A.G. Mikhailov, O.A. Tyapov (RN-Purneftegaz LLC), A.Yu. Presnyakov (RN-UfaNIPIneft LLC)
A mechanism for the introduction of new technologies in the sphere of repair and insulating work in Rosneft Oil Company by the example of RN-Purneftegaz LLC is considered. It is shown that for the application of new technologies of repair and insulating works within the limits of operating New Technologies System a package of technological and organizational measures, including establishing a working group, in which representatives from various departments and divisions are included, developing the schemes of interaction between the structural subdivisions of society, preparing methodical materials, execution of training of specialists, was developed and introduced in RN-Purneftegaz LLC. Presented are prospective lines of repair and insulating works technologies testing: an increase in production string drift diameter during the liquidation of its nonhermeticity with mechanical means, to improve the quality of work to eliminate the behind-the-casing circulation in thin bridges, the selective isolation of watered layers are presented. The results of the fulfilled works are given.
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