The technology of using reinforced thermoplastic (RTP) and thermoplastic composite pipes (TCP) as a part of field pipelines is actively developing worldwide and in Russia. The intensive development of the technology application is facilitated by the development and implementation of national standards for production, design and inspection of field pipelines made of RTP/TCP. With all the variety of design, two main groups can be distinguished: polymer pipes with bonded layers (TCP) and polymer pipes with unbonded layers (RTP). Each of these technologies has its advantages, disadvantages and application restrictions. When conducting a feasibility study for construction of pipelines made of RTP/TCP, it is necessary to consider the cost of a pipe based on length, the cost of construction and installation work, and the cost of owning the pipeline during its standard operation period. The supply of RTP/TCP with ready-made measuring lengths from 140 to 1600 m, as well as an operation period up to 25 years, is their clear calculable advantage. Incalculable advantages include their resistance to asphaltene-resin-paraffin deposits and the possibility of re-laying. The main disadvantage of RTP/TCP can be attributed to the current lack of technology for checking the condition of all pipe layers of the existing pipeline. The most promising areas for the development of RTP/TCP technology are production of pipes with an integrated electric heating system for transporting gas-liquid mixtures in conditions of subzero temperatures or for highly viscous oil; production of pipes with a heat-insulating layer, with non-metallic reinforcement using RTP technology.
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