The article presents the estimated results of the project implemented at Zarubezhneft JSC related to standardization of surface facilities design. Optimization factors of design solutions are described. The main optimization facilities were identified: well sites for the drilling period (depending on the type of drilling rig, waste collection organization and number of wells), linear objects (highways, pipelines, power lines), uniform requirements for 3D design were developed. The calculated effects of the introduction of typification of design solutions in terms of reducing the cost and timing of designing single wells and well clusters (for the drilling period and for the period of operation), linear objects such as highways, pipelines, and high-voltage lines are presented. 426 technical drawings were developed, including: 18 site options for the drilling period, depending on the type of drilling rig, waste management approach, number of wells; 6 options for field pipelines depending on diameter; 3 options for power transmission lines depending on voltage class; 5 options for roads by category; 5 options for well pad facilities depending on the number of wells per pad (1/8/12). The reduction of the cost of design solutions with typification of design solutions ranged from 1,7 to 12,7 %, depending on the facility's capacity, location, geological, climatic and other factors. The average estimated reduction in the cost of design solutions is 6,9 %. Typifications of design solutions are implemented into projects of Subsidiaries of the Company and included in design documentation.
1. Andreeva N.N., Bugriy O.E., Dubovitskaya E.A. et al., Normativnoe obespechenie proektirovaniya obustroystva mestorozhdeniy uglevodorodov (Regulatory support of the design of oil and gas fields facilities), Moscow: Publ. of Gubkin University, 2015, 303 p.
2. GOST R 58367-2019. Engineering process for onshore oil fields. Technological design.
3. Town-planning code of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2004 No. 190-FZ.
4. Russian Federal Law No. 123-FZ of 22 July 2008, "Technical regulations on fire safety requirements".
5. Russian Federal Law No. 384-FZ “Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and facilities” of December 30th, 2009.
6. Russian Federal Law No.116-FZ of 21.07.1997, “On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities”.
7. Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “Rules for the safe operation of technological pipelines” approved by Rostekhnadzor Order No. 444 dated December 21, 2021.
8. Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Safety rules in the oil and gas industry" approved by order of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service No. 534 dated December 15, 2020.