The article considers the study of backflow surfactants in compositions with nanoparticles (NP) used to improve the backflow of hydraulic fracturing fluid, in order to accelerate the well's output to the technological mode after hydraulic fracturing, as well as increase the starting flow rate of the well by reducing the interfacial tension at the water–oil boundary and improving the wettability of the rock. It was found that the surfactant of the reverse inflow in concentrations of 2 and 2,5 kg/m3 demonstrates the best results in solubility and interfacial activity at the water–oil boundary. The combined use of surfactants with NP makes it possible to achieve a significant reduction in interfacial tension due to the synergistic effect, while NP solutions themselves are ineffective. Optimal combinations of surfactants and NP ensure a decrease in interfacial tension to 0,005 mN/m. It can be seen from the results that the combined use of surfactants with NP enables to achieve lower values of interfacial tension due to the interaction between NP and surfactants, which indicates a synergistic effect. The nature of the change in the interfacial tension depends on a number of parameters; however there is a general tendency to decrease the interfacial tension in the presence of a selected concentration of NP.
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