The article is devoted to improving the effectiveness of the use of displacement characteristics (DC) in the assessment of recoverable oil reserves and the analysis of the technological effectiveness of geological and technological measures (GTM). A universal displacement characteristic (UDC) is proposed, which is a combined model consolidating several known DC with various weighting coefficients. The method of constructing the UDC includes determining constant coefficients for each elementary DC, solving the problem of minimizing deviations of calculated values from actual ones, and selecting optimal weighting coefficients. An algorithm was implemented that enables to automatically build and analyze nine different UDC. The program accepts field data of oil and liquid production, reservoir oil and water densities, as well as time intervals for stable development as input data. During execution, the program determines the optimal set of weights for each type of DC and builds the resulting UDC, minimizing the standard deviation from the actual data. Testing of the proposed method on synthetic and retrospective data showed more accurate results compared to traditional methods, which is confirmed by the high correlation coefficient of the UDC in all tests of the analyzed period. The method of UDC ensures objectivity and accuracy in assessing the effectiveness of GTM and predicting technological indicators for the development of oil fields, which indicates potential applicability in the real practice of oil field management.
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