Since 2015, Zarubezhneft JSC has been testing the steam-thermal effect on carbonate formation M saturated with native bitumen at the pilot area of the Boca de Jaruco field (the Republic of Cuba). In 2020-2021 4 horizontal wells were drilled as a part of the second stage of pilot work. Taking into account the presence of a dense system of fractures and small distances between wells (30-100 m), special attention is paid to monitoring and control of wells. During the implementation of the pilot project, various technologies were tested at the fields. This article summarizes practical experience related to the perception of reservoir behavior, monitoring of reservoir parameters (including implementation of reservoir simulation) which enabled to change well operation strategy and to increase energy efficiency of the horizontal wells. Due to the negative results of the first steam cycling stimulations (CSSs) of horizontal wells, a decision was made to change the operation strategy. The new strategy concerned the choice of steam injection volumes in cycles and was based on the principle of gradually increasing injection from smaller to larger volumes (mini-CSS strategy). Since 2021, the achieved results of the pilot project confirmed the feasibility of choosing the mini-CSS strategy. The obtained results of the pilot project confirmed the feasibility of choosing this strategy, which enabled to achieve the planned indicators for the project as a whole by the end of 2024. Field development plan was implemented in 2024 and project will move to the commercial stage of exploitation starting from 2025.
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