Study of technological aspects of hydromechanical cleaning using a centralizer- turbulator for drill pipes with a rotating element

UDK: 6224.057.9
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2025-3-48-51
Key words: well drilling, centralizer-turbulator for drill pipes with a rotating element, turbulent flow, numerical modeling, hydromechanical cleaning
Authors: D.R. Nabiullin (Almetyevsk State Technological University «Petroleum Higher School», RF, Almetyevsk); A.A. Dyakonov (Almetyevsk State Technological University «Petroleum Higher School», RF, Almetyevsk)

At the present stage of development of oil and gas fields of the Volga-Ural region, one of the most effective areas is the drilling of directional wells, including those with a horizontal wellbore end. The use of horizontal wells enables to reduce the amount of vertical well stock and increase the coefficient of extraction of hydrocarbons. When drilling directional and horizontal wells, many problems arise, one of the most common is sticking and tightening caused by the accumulation of cuttings in the well. The technology of hydromechanical cleaning using a centralizer - turbulator for drill pipes with a rotating element was developed at the Drilling Department of Almetyevsk State Technological University «Petroleum Higher School». The technology is based on the creation of a developed turbulent flow of liquid, preventing the accumulation of cuttings in the directional sections of a well. A theoretical model is substantiated, allowing to consider the flow of washing liquid in the vicinity of the centralizer using analytical methods, which enabled to reveal that the change in the direction of the flow significantly increases the turbulizing ability of the proposed technology of hydromechanical cleaning from cuttings of inclined sections of the well, a centralizer - turbulator for drill pipes with a rotating element, due to the increase in the local Reynolds number. A hydraulic calculation was carried out, which concluded that, at the place of installation of the centralizer-turbulator, there is a local decrease in the required flow rate of liquid for the removal of cuttings.

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