Scientifically deterministic premises for studying the influence of geomagnetic reversals and excursions on hydrocarbon accumulation processes

UDK: 553.98.061.17
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2025-3-38-43
Key words: geomagnetic pole inversions, hydrocarbon deposit formation processes, radical reactions, I.I. Nesterov's concept, hydrocarbon generation and evolution, biogenic theory
Authors: A.A. Ponomarev (NOVATEK STC LLC, RF, Tyumen; Industrial University of Tyumen, RF, Tyumen)

The present work is devoted to the study of natural processes, such as inversions and excursions of the Earth's geomagnetic poles, which presumably can initiate processes that promote the formation of hydrocarbons (HC) and their subsequent geochemical transformation. The article contains scientific-deterministic substantiation of the necessity to test this hypothesis, which arose in the course of development of the concept of I.I. Nesterov (Corresponding Member of the RAS), devoted to the role of radical reactions in the formation of HC deposits when certain thermobaric and energetic conditions are reached, arising due to the discreteness of natural geomagnetic fields. The occasion for consideration of this problem is the results of laboratory experiments published from 2019 to 2023, indicating to the fact that the magnetic field can act as a catalyst in radical reactions. The paper highlights the problems associated with the classical sedimentary-migration theory of HC deposit formation, and offers an alternative view of the natural processes that lead to the formation of oil deposits. Conceptually, the study is based on the biogenic theory of HC origin, but denies the possibility of their migration over significant distances, confirming the in situ principle. A deep understanding of the mechanisms of oil and gas deposit formation can contribute to the development of effective technologies for their extraction, including non-standard solutions for the recovery of hard-to-recover reserves and the creation of new oil and gas reservoirs.


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