Currently, when assessing the state of the raw material base and the general forecast for the development of oil production, specialists often deal with the concept of production by reserves, reflecting the guaranteed duration of involvement of current recoverable reserves in active development. However, these ranges of coverage can vary considerably. Modern reserve estimation approaches and improved production technologies can significantly affect the amount of available reserves and, accordingly, the probability indicator. An algorithm for forming justifications for finding arguments for conducting seismic surveys in order to reassess the reserves of objects with low multiplicity of reserves was developed in this work. Seven fields on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan were considered. A retrospective analysis of seismic surveys of previous years made it possible to verify the validity of their implementation in the form of the discovery of new deposits, expansion of existing ones or combining previously isolated ones into a single contour. Twenty-five structures for five fields with a potential increase in initial recoverable reserves were identified as a result of estimation of reserves coverage for the field as a whole and for borderline producing wells. In the most promising areas in terms of potential growth of reserves, seismic surveys were proposed to verify the remaining recoverable reserves.
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