In modern practice the allocation of reservoirs within productive formations is usually carried out using boundary values of porosity, permeability and oil saturation determined by the results of core research. At the same time back in the 80s V.D. Ilyin and other researchers proposed a model of the three-layer structure of natural reservoirs, which implies, that hydrocarbon deposits consist of reservoirs, «true» fluid seals and «false» ones (formations of dispersion). The object of the study is an oil field located in the northeastern part of the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province. The productive section of the studied field is represented by two layers: the lower one is located in the deposits of the Gzhelsky tier of the Upper Carboniferous, the upper one is in the deposits of the Asselsky tier of the Lower Permian. The basis for the study was a complex of geological and geophysical studies of 30 wells, the results of laboratory core studies of 6 wells, the results of well tests, as well as reservoir pressure measurements based on hydrodynamic logging data in 2 wells. This article presents the results confirming the possibility of a three-layer structure of natural reservoirs in carbonate rocks, a method for allocation fluid seals and formations of dispersion according to a complex of geological and geophysical studies and the results of laboratory core analysis, as well as substantiation of the allocating fluid seal. The materials for this publication were prepared in collaboration with Oil and Gas Research Institute of RAS.
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