The article considers the creation of a detailed geological model of the upper subformation sediments of the Tyumen formation to improve the accuracy of reservoir properties forecasting and reserves localization. Based on a detailed analysis of core material 2 sedimentation environments were identified: a meandering river system in the interval of the YuS3 formation and transitional delta deposits in the interval of the YuS2 formation. The sedimentation conditions are described by a complex of facies, combined into 4 macrofacies in the YuS2 formation interval (shelf, submarine ridges, marshes and swamps, sandbanks and gullies, delta channels) and into 3 macrofacies in the YuS3 formation interval (floodplains and swamps, crevasse glyph, river channel). The best poro-perm properties are in the facies of the delta channel and river bed, transitional properties - in the facies of underwater ridges, beaches, shoals and gullies, crested glyph, the worst - in the facies of floodplains, marshes and swamps. The high poro-perm properties are connected with the active dynamics of the aquatic environment in which the sediments accumulated. Macrofacies are characterized based on well logging data: average poro-perm parameters, boundary porosity values for identifying reservoirs are specified. The high poro-perm reservoir is concentrated in the facies of the river-bed, delta channel and underwater ridge. Facies maps of sediments are compiled using 3D seismic interpretation (spectral decomposition cube sections and other attributes). A detailed geological model with quantitative morphological parameters of facies was obtained which enables to develop hydrocarbon reserves of tight-oil deposits of the Tyumen formation.
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