Improving the efficiency of the reservoir properties prediction based on seismic data for continental genesis sediments

UDK: 550.834.017
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2025-3-6-12
Key words: continental deposits, meandering objects, seismic, sequence-stratigraphy, object-oriented processing, diffraction, inversion, attribute analysis, drilling efficiency
Authors: M.V. Salishchev (RN-Exloration LLC, RF, Moscow); N.V. Kharitonov (RN-Exloration LLC, RF, Moscow); A.I. Leibenko (RN-Exloration LLC, RF, Moscow); A.L. Medvedev (RN-Shelf-Arctic LLC, RF, Moscow); M.S. Doronina1(RN-Exloration LLC, RF, Moscow); I.V. Arutyunyants (RN-Exloration LLC, RF, Moscow); A.B. Kleshnin (RN-Exloration LLC, RF, Moscow); E.A. Sidorkina (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow)

The article considers the features of the seismic processing and interpretation stages aimed at improving the efficiency of reservoir property prediction for continental genesis formations. The effectiveness of using diffracted waves to refine the structure of meandering objects is demonstrated as a new methodological approach. The features of diffraction seismograms post-processing are considered. These features are necessary to obtain informative results when mapping the structure of continental genesis formations in the field of diffracted waves. Methodological approaches for the following stages are also proposed: object-oriented processing, constructing a sequence stratigraphic model for continental sediments using the example of the Yakovlev formation, features of correlation of reflecting horizons, performing inversion transformations and comparing the effectiveness of various attributes in mapping meandering objects and other elements of erosive relief. The effectiveness of the methodological approaches proposed in the article is demonstrated by the example of two metrics. First metric is the average percentage of conducting production wells through the reservoir at the field. The second metric is the average percentage of reservoir prediction confirmation based on seismic data in horizontal wells before and after applying the methodological approaches described in the article. These metrics directly affect the economic efficiency of the developed deposit. They can be used to assess financial efficiency when planning and justifying future similar work.


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