Digital support for field and laboratory research in hydrocarbon fields

UDK: 681.518:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2025-2-82-86
Key words: digital software, digital twin, field research, laboratory research, geoinformation management, Western Siberia fields, data centers, data bank
Authors: A.M. Brekhuntsov (MSE GEODATA LLC, RF, Tyumen); Yu.V. Petrov (MSE GEODATA LLC, RF, Tyumen)

The modern organization of field and laboratory researches at the hydrocarbon fields of Western Siberia is distinguished by the need to take into account numerous factors. In order to achieve a comprehensive balanced result, appropriate digital support is required, which is designed to significantly reduce time and material costs at the preparatory stages and obtain a scientific and practical discovery, as the quintessence of the totality of ongoing monitoring and research of subsoil use. The main practical results for the organizer of field and laboratory researches, as well as for the consumer of these services, appear in a digital format of various types. For the effective implementation of this digital support for scientific research, premature thematic target study is important, which can be expressed in the format of a specific algorithm. The stability of procedures and their organizational flexibility enable to make a cyclical form of action, when the results of one research work become the starting point for the next, or the corresponding horizontal complementary information unit. After determining the territorial, thematic, organizational issues, it is possible to form and implement a digital twin of the field research process. The authors summarized the results of applying the algorithm for digital support of field and laboratory researches in the corporation, proposed algorithms for organizing digitalization for similar processes, and systematized the functions of the digital twin and geoinformation management. The findings may be of interest to subsoil users who have to process field and related data.


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