The article presents the main approaches to evaluating the reliability of newly designed technical devices using virtual and full-scale tests. As a rule, when starting the development of new complicated objects, a small number of objects are tested and in this case there is no sufficiently substantiated possibility of static evaluation of the reliability results using a classical approach, when the selected theoretical distribution is checked for compliance with experimental data, distribution parameters are determined, etc. The article proposes to conduct an evaluation of the reliability of the designed technical systems in two stages. The first stage involves conducting virtual tests of 3D models of a pilot sample using numerical methods and techniques for constructing mathematical models using ANSYS software as a part of the CFD computational fluid dynamics and Mechanical Enterprise strength calculation packages (including the Logos software product). The second stage is the determination of the probability of failure-free operation based on a small number of tests without determining the distribution function, using the nonparametric statistical Mann criterion; and it also provides the possibility, with a small number of failures, of using an estimated probability of failure-free operation, taking into account the accumulation of information. To establish the causes of failures of pilot samples, a set of measures is proposed to establish and prevent the causes of failure and ensure the stable operation of the product.
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