The current state of oil reserves development is associated with problems of low oil recovery factor and high water cut. When searching for solutions to increase oil recovery, it is necessary to consider a whole range of factors affecting the displacement characteristics. Taking into account these factors involves working with large sets of reservoir data. The success of decisions made in selecting the management scenario for the development of the studied field is directly dependent not only on the quality of the available reservoir data but also on the computational tools used to guide these decisions during specific hydrodynamic stimulation operations. Therefore, critical importance is placed on enhancing the performance of software products used for reservoir forecasting and improving input data quality by identifying and removing «bad» data. Concurrent fulfilment of these conditions significantly boosts the effectiveness of decision-making during the forecasting phase. This paper outlines the technology for optimizing management decisions for field development based on the TEICS ONE suite. The core architecture of the computational suite is described, along with the sequential stages of the technology. The application results at the field, operated by Belkamneft JSC demonstrate the potential to maximize the recovery of reserves in late-stage fields and achieve the target oil recovery factor by effectively utilizing historical development data and making rational decisions for field management.
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