Positive displacement motors and their role in the development of well drilling technologies

UDK: 622.24.05
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2025-2-12-16
Key words: positive displacement motors, horizontal well, research and development (R&D), working bodies, drilling technology, technical and technological solution
Authors: D.F. Baldenko F.D. Baldenko (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow); E.O. Timashev (Saint Petersburg Mining University of Empress Catherine II, RF, Saint Petersburg); Y.L. Inshakov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow); M.E. Koval (SamaraNIPIneft LLC, RF, Samara; Samara State Technical University, RF, Samara); M.V. Petrov (SamaraNIPIneft LLC, RF, Samara; Samara State Technical University, RF, Samara)

This article examines the historical aspects of the creation of positive displacement motors (PDM) in Russia for drilling oil and gas wells. The significant contribution of the PDM engineers to the development of domestic and world science and technology of well construction in the field of mechanical engineering of hydraulic downhole equipment is noted. A technical and technological assessment of existing PDM for various purposes is given; their classification, comparison and design are indicated. The analysis of the developed of the PDM for drilling directional and horizontal wells with a large deviation from the vertical, side shafts is given. Innovative technologies for the use of PDM at the facilities of Rosneft Oil Company, such as: «R-Force», MVO-176T, «Fluid Hammer», «Vortex» are being considered. The article provides a practical example of the use of PDM in the construction of a horizontal well with a discharge of up to 2000 m and a high drilling difficulty index (DDI) without using expensive imported rotary steerable system (RSS) technologies at the bush site of the Severo-Komsomolskoye field. The authors of the article note that the potential of using PDM has not yet been fully exhausted and work on improving this technology continues by leading scientific, production and oil and gas producing organizations. Russian developments in the field of hydraulic engineering provide the oil and gas industry with high-tech equipment for the efficient construction and repair of wells for various purposes.


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