Address by the Editor-in-Chief

Authors: V.N.Zvereva (Publishing House "OIL-INDUSTRY" CJSC)
Dear readers! You are holding in your hands the first issue of the magazine, published in 2025, a unique year for our magazine. The magazine turns 105 years old. We will celebrate this date on its pages together with you, dear readers. Along with new scientific and technical articles that are traditionally relevant and have undergone strict editorial selection, we have prepared for you a special series of articles dedicated to the innovative development of the industry over the past 100 years. Step by step, we will recall how ideas were born, important technological solutions were developed and implemented, and what difficulties and mistakes representatives of previous generations of oil workers, geologists, engineers, gas workers, and other industry specialists had to overcome. Thanks to such materials, one can see how scientific and technical progress has developed and scientific thought has been improved, and what achievements and discoveries are in demand today, which our authors have written about and are writing about in articles, serve as the basis for the development of the Russian fuel and energy complex. Many people call our magazine the same age as the domestic oil and gas industry, its chronicle. Reflecting the most important problems of prospecting and development of deposits in different periods of the industry's development, the results of scientific research and field work to solve these problems, popularization and introduction of new technologies into production processes, strengthening the scientific, technical and intellectual potential of the domestic fuel and energy complex is the main mission of the first branch scientific publication, for which The journal "National Economy" was established 105 years ago, and with your help and support, we hope to continue to successfully implement it in the current and future years. Editor-in-chief V.N. Zvereva
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