EPC/EPCM contracts (engineering, procurement, construction, management) are the most common types of contracts for the implementation of large projects in various fields. The article highlights the practice of their use in the construction of oil and gas market facilities. Today, in the Russian Federation, these forms of contracts are actively involved in the construction of facilities in the oil and gas industry and other industries due to their certain characteristics. The presented implementation models are aimed at Russian engineering companies, taking into account the identified legal differences and features of international and domestic legislation. In a comparative analysis between the articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the FIDIC form, the authors highlighted significant differences in approaches to the distribution of responsibility. EPC contracts have certain characteristics that largely distinguish them from EPC(M) contracts. The results obtained in this article led to the conclusion that at the moment the EPC and EPC(M) contracts are unified, but their application in Russia is subject to adaptation, taking into account Russian legislation. The work provides information about construction companies that can implement large projects. The analysis showed that, as part of the provision of services, domestic engineering companies use EPC and EPC(M) contract models, which cover the full cycle of work.
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