During geological exploration and development of oil and gas fields, a large amount of information is collected. Currently, the data is interpreted and stored separately. Data duplication results in irrelevant information. This approach hinders the comprehensive analysis of accumulated material and the organization of continuous workflow based on related data, which makes it difficult to determine informative and reliable geological parameters. The development and implementation of a single digital platform for geological and geophysical information using modern digital technologies for storing, processing and analyzing data may change this situation. The digital system will gain the ability to continuously develop through the modernization of software modules and the implementation of innovations, provide users with a wide range of functional tools for data processing and analysis. The usage of machine learning based on neural networks enables to automate technical procedures for processing and analyzing geological and geophysical data, significantly reducing the errors factor, information distortion and freeing up specialists resources from routine operations. Such a structure promotes the usage of digital innovations for data processing and analysis and integrates production processes in the information space. This is the transition from the data digitalization to production processes digitalization, which leads their efficiency increase. The tools of the unified digital platform of geological and geophysical information will enable indepth data interpretation and obtain research results consistent with other related geological information. The listed functional capabilities implementation will contribute to increasing the efficiency of exploration and development of oil and gas fields.
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