In order to improve the quality of the produced water and to ensure the planned loading of the RUSVIETPETRO JV LLC facility in the future, pilot tests were carried out to modernize the existing equipment using internal intensifying devices. These tests enabled to increase the capacity and quality of water treatment and to maintain the tendency of increasing oil production in a short time and with minimal financing. New types of internal devices were installed in the vessel, which increased the cross-sectional area of the coalescence and minimized the resistance of settling water and floating oil droplets. Due to the above-mentioned modification, the degree of water purification increases, which reduces the load on subsequent filtration stages, and has a positive effect on the operation of the pumping equipment. In turn, this solution ensures the quality of the produced water for injection into the Famennian aquifer in accordance with the requirements of Industrial Standard № 39-225-88. The installation of new type coalescing devices, made it possible not only to achieve the set goals, but also to upgrade the equipment with an increase in its capacity without changing the existing infrastructure. These activities enabled to minimize the cost of reconstruction and to ensure the integration of new technologies into the existing system without stopping production processes.
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