Methods for determination of polyacrylamide concentration in the dynamic adsorption studies

UDK: 544.723:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2025-1-74-79
Key words: polyacrylamide, sand-pack model, filtration experiment, dynamic adsorption
Authors: M.A. Silin (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow); L.A. Magadova (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow); S.A. Borodin (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow); K.A. Poteshkina (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow); V.V. Ronjina (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)

This paper presents a study of the dynamics of polyacrylamide (PAA) displacement from a porous medium using a sand-pack reservoir model. The research introduces and validates a novel computational method for determining PAA concentration based on the relationship between pressure drop and the volume of pumped fluid. This approach proved to be an effective tool for monitoring polymer concentration in the porous medium throughout the experimental process and during gel degradation. Three methods for estimating PAA concentration were compared: viscometric analysis, bleaching, and the proposed computational. The results of the comparison highlight the computational method’s stability and reliability across all stages of the experiment, demonstrating its superiority, particularly in complex geological conditions. The study also identifies key factors inhibiting the full recovery of permeability in the porous medium after PAA displacement. These include pore clogging by residual polymer and the migration of sand particles, which underscore the need for additional optimization measures to restore permeability effectively. The paper provides recommendations for future research to enhance current methods and broaden their applicability. These recommendations include testing the approach on core samples, optimizing reagent formulations, and advancing analytical techniques. These efforts aim to improve the accuracy and reliability of methods for assessing and managing porous media. Ultimately, the findings can contribute to optimizing the efficiency of hydrocarbon reservoir development and operation, offering valuable insights for field applications.


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