Chlororganic compounds (COCs), most often, can get into the crude oil during its extraction, because sometimes the use of chemical products containing COCs is abused. According to the national standard (GOST R 51858-2020) and technical regulations for commercial oil (TR EAEU 045/2017), the content of COCs should be standardized. The presence of organic chlorides in oil above the standardized value causes serious economic damage to the oil industry, primarily to oil refining. The article is devoted to laboratory research of the process of extraction of organic chloride CCl4 from oil through the formation of thiourea clathrates of channel type in the oil volume. The methodology of oil treatment with thiourea and preliminary results of the study are described. The obtained experimental data show that the formed thiourea clathrates of channel type can retain CCl4 molecule in their channels, and after separation of the clathrate phase from oil the concentration of organic chloride in oil decreases. The paper considers the effects of temperature, thiourea, organic chloride concentrations, and the number of treatments on the efficiency index (Ef) of CCl4 extraction from oil. The Ef index also depends on the initial content of organic chloride in oil – the higher the initial concentration of organic chloride in oil, the more effectively it is extracted from oil. Based on the analysis of experimental data, preliminary advantages and disadvantages of the process of extraction of organic chloride from oil were revealed to assess the possibility of its industrial application.
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