Formation of an approach to numerical assessment of burner efficiency in associated petroleum gas utilization

UDK: 665.612.2
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2025-1-64-68
Key words: burner device, mathematical modeling, gas dynamics of multicomponent media, associated petroleum gas utilization, efficiency of burner devices
Authors: D.A. Kolokolov («SPA «Gidrosistemy» LLC, RF, Izhevsk); N.O. Vahrusheva (Izhevsk Petroleum Research Center CJSC, RF, Izhevsk)

The paper considers an approach to the primary assessment of the performance of multicircuit burner devices when working with a multi-component mixture composition, being applied to the solution of the problem of associated petroleum gas utilization. The formed approach assumes consecutive accounting of stoichiometric balance of fuel mixture and oxidant, numerical modeling of gas mixing process with the subsequent analysis of concentration fields of mixture components and oxidant and degree of mixture homogenization. It also includes the stage of estimation of possibility and efficiency of ignition of the obtained mixture and completeness of its combustion. On the basis of numerical modeling methods it is proposed to study only the process of mixing of multicomponent media in the working area of the burner device. Further analysis of the concentration fields of substances is performed visually, as well as using the universal homogenisation criterion. At the first stage of approbation of the proposed approach the efficiency of the burner devices is determined by the degree of homogenisation of the mixture of fuel mixture components supplied from two different circuits of the device with air entering the mixer through slits. The determining parameter, within the framework of the first stage of approbation, is the degree of homogeneity of the final mixture, i.e. the influence of the feeding mode of components on the field of their concentrations in the mixture.


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