On the economic efficiency of oil production by electric centrifugal pumps

UDK: 622.276.53
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2025-1-60-63
Key words: oil field development, electric centrifugal pumps, failure control of centrifugal pumps
Authors: A.A. Gareev

The current stage of oil industry development is taking place in conditions of competition between various sources of energy production. Reducing the cost of oil production is a determining factor in the competitive struggle. Therefore, the priority task in oil production is the introduction of new technology. Reducing the number of well repairs by reducing the number of repairs due to the failure of the electrical part of the cable line, which account for a third of all failures, will significantly reduce production costs. According to theoretical studies and the study of the condition of failed electrical submersible centrifugal pumps (ESPs), equipment failure is associated with the thermal condition of ESP. Solving problems related to failures due to overheating of the cable line necessarily requires studying the thermodynamics of a ESP when pumping gas-liquid mixtures under high pressure and temperature. To date, such problems have not been posed or solved in classical thermodynamics. The author set a similar task for the first time and received an analytical solution. Field tests were conducted. The results obtained at the oil fields in Western Siberia showed the correctness of the chosen method for solving the problem of the thermal state of an ESP. Failures of the ESP along the cable line are the result of high temperature generation in the pump. By excluding the conditions of high temperature formation in the pump from the operating mode, failures due to the cable line can be avoided, which will reduce the cost of oil production.


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