The paper describes an algorithm for step-by-step planning of repeated selective multistage hydraulic fracturing (MSHF) which enables motivated and prompt selection of potential well candidates from the total number of horizontal wells in the field. The field production and operation data was gathered and verified, and a statistical training sample was formed in Microsoft Excel. The geological and field analysis of downhole data was performed using the RN-KIN software. The production process parameters were estimated using the t-Navigator and RN-KIM software for 3D flow simulation. The objects of the study are horizontal wells introduced into operation with primary MSHF in VK1-3 reservoir of the Kamenny Area within the Krasnoleninsky Field. According to the result of testing the algorithm in industrial conditions, the total reduction in the sample of horizontal wells for the field in question was 80%, which made it possible to select reasonably the best wells from the total well stock. Repeated MSHF were implemented in all wells justified in the study, the oil rates and oil production volumes increased and demonstrated reasonable convergence of the estimated and actual values, which allows to draw a conclusion on the applicability and performance of the developed algorithm. The results of pilot field tests indicate that the use of a step-by-step planning algorithm enables the proper selection of potentially effective candidate wells for conducting MSHF based on a comprehensive consideration of a set of criteria and their weights, geological and field analysis and assessment of production potential using a 3D hydrodynamic model.
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