Modernization of the method for assessing the rate of corrosion during implementation of field tests of a corrosion inhibitor

UDK: 620.193:622.276.012.05
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-10-110-114
Key words: corrosion, corrosion monitoring, corrosion inhibitor, failures
Authors: Yu.K. Leonov (Izhevsk Petroleum Research Center JSC, RF, Izhevsk) A.M. Vysotskih (Izhevsk Petroleum Research Center JSC, RF, Izhevsk) D.L. Kudryavtsev (Izhevsk Petroleum Research Center JSC, RF, Izhevsk) A.Yu. Topal(Udmurtneft named after V.I. Kudinov PJSC, RF, Izhevsk) N.S. Buldakova (Udmurtneft named after V.I. Kudinov PJSC, RF, Izhevsk) I.E. Donskoy (Izhevsk Petroleum Research Center JSC, RF, Izhevsk)

Currently, almost all wells of Udmurtneft named after V.I. Kudinov PJSC are operated under conditions of various complicating factors that negatively affect the rational extraction of hydrocarbons. One of the most common complications is corrosion. The company monitors the occurrence and spread of corrosion in wells. The fact that the number of wells with such complicating factor has a tendency to increase indicates a possible problem of imperfect protection technology. The current standard method for assessing corrosion rates is to install corrosion test specimens on the flow line. However, this method is not perfect due to the difference in thermobaric conditions in the well and on the flow line. This leads to the selection of ineffective protection technology such as the installation of an insufficient minimum effective dosage of a corrosion inhibitor. In view of the need to solve this problem, Izhevsk Petroleum Research Center JSC together with Udmurtneft named after V.I. Kudinov PJSC developed a technology for measuring the corrosion rate of deep-well pumping equipment at different suspension intervals of pump-compressor pipes. The proposed method made it possible to establish the correct minimum effective dosage of the base inhibitor, which ensures the target level of protection expressed in a corrosion rate of no more than 0,10 mm/year and the absence of local damage.


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