Native hydrogen of the Earth`s interior (to substantiate the search paradigm)

UDK: 550.08.011
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-10-47-53
Key words: native, natural hydrogen, field, accumulation, scientific and technological site
Authors: L.A. Abukova (Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of the RAS, RF, Moscow) M.O. Bevzo (Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of the RAS, RF, Moscow) Yu.A. Volozh (Geological Institute of the RAS, RF, Moscow) I.S. Patina (Geological Institute of the RAS, RF, Moscow) D.S. Filippova (Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of the RAS, RF, Moscow) S.F. Khafizov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)

The article discusses some issues of scientific justification for the exploration of fossil hydrogen in Russia and around the world. It emphasizes the general tendency of search orientation transition from surface features to features of medium and large depths. The level of knowledge about the conditions of hydrogen generation and localization in geological formations is demonstrated. The author's proposals for the development of the hydrogen prospecting paradigm are presented, within the framework of which a fundamentally important role is assigned to the conservation factor of native hydrogen generated during the geological history. Therefore, the authors suggest that large fields of hydrogen may be located below the dominant impermeable layer, within hydrodynamic levels beneath its bottom, with their characteristic regime of hydrodynamic stagnation. This ensures both lithological and hydrodynamic shielding for free hydrogen. The article also proposes possible approaches to classifying native hydrogen deposits for discussion, taking into account the dynamic nature of its formation and accumulation in different geological environments and assessing geological reserves for fields of various sizes. The development of the resource potential of native hydrogen is an important state task, which ensures the use of native hydrogen along with traditional (hydrocarbon) raw materials, which can be considered as an important stimulating factor for the development of local production in energy-deficient regions of the country.


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