In the process of loading of oil and oil products into vehicles, significant product losses occur due to natural evaporation. The most effective means of reducing such losses are vapor recovery units (VRU). Most of the VRUs are capable of providing high rates of capturing vapors and can be recommended for the objects of transportation and storage of liquid hydrocarbons. However, it is not always possible due to existing limitations on the productivity achieved by the purification of the gas-air mixture, safety, occupied area, consumed electricity. Thus membrane VRUs have an extremely low throughput and therefore can be effective mainly at gas stations. From a safety perspective, compressor and jet-absorption VRUs are the most vulnerable. Compressor VRUs are used in oilfield conditions, where the gas space of the tanks is filled with associated petroleum gas. Jet-absorption plants are dangerous because under conditions of high flow rates of oil and oil products from the nozzle apparatus, static electricity charges are generated. There are no restrictions on the occupied area when the territory of the loading point or tank farm is located either far from settlements, or in areas with low development of engineering infrastructure. VRUs also differ in their power consumption. The VRUs themselves have different costs, depending on the recuperation technology used. VRUs should be selected based on a technical and economic calculation. Integrally, the net present value takes into account all types of costs for VRUs, for the calculation of which the article proposes a calculation formula.
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