The history of development of the automated construction scheduling tool for conceptual design of oil and gas upstream projects

UDK: 622.276.012:69:681.518
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-119-124
Key words: construction scheduling tool, economic efficiency, Ingenix Cost Manager (ICM)
Authors: V.E. Agafonov (Ingenix Group LLC, RF, Moscow); E.A. Dubovitskaya (Ingenix Group LLC, RF, Moscow)

The article deals with the history of development of the automated construction scheduling tool for conceptual design of oil and gas upstream projects by Ingenix Group LLC team. Production start dates have a significant influence on the profitability of a project and are among the main reasons for deterioration of any project efficiency when deviating from the construction plan. In order to provide a correct evaluation of the construction terms at the conceptual design stage it is necessary to determine the duration of design and survey works, the purchase of long-lead equipment and as well as the conclusion of contracts for construction and installation works. Usual lack of sufficient information on a project on its premature stages was considered to be a chief obstacle on the way of development of the automated tool. This automated tool has made it possible to both obtain the distribution of the capital cost within the object construction term and tie different capital objects planned for construction to gain a synchronized construction schedule. Such schedule has become an important link between computation of the cost of capital construction of separate objects and the development of a cashflow profile embedded in the full-scale financial model of oil and gas projects.


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