Ensuring traceability of test objects in a testing laboratory using color indication

UDK: 006.83:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-9-144-146
Key words: product testing, testing laboratory, destructive testing of metals, test object identification, visual color indication
Authors: R.N. Salikhov (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow) N.I. Eremeeva (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow) N.K. Gabdullin (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow)

The key element of the Quality Management System is the controllability of the product manufacturing processes due to identification and traceability of production processes in order to exclude the delivery of non-conforming products to consumers. The traceability in a testing laboratory (TL) is implemented by identifying the test object. Testing laboratories widely use identification by means of applying an alphanumeric code to the test object using a stamping method or indelible ink. However, interpreting an alphanumeric code requires multiple references to the technological document, which reduces labor productivity during testing. The aim of the study is to develop a method for identifying test objects made of metals, which will increase the labor productivity when conducting mechanical tests in a laboratory. A method of visual color indication has been proposed, which involves the division and separate identification of each technological process with its own color throughout all stages of its implementation. Each technological process and its color indication are linked to the specific type of testing, whereas each type of testing has its own graphic symbol. The proposed color solutions allow for strict sorting of samples by testing type and their belonging to the selected samples at all stages. Introducing the proposed identification method increased labor productivity, eliminated the mis-sorting of test objects, and improved labor discipline.

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