Analyzing the possibility of applying machine learning methods in predictive analytics to determine the probability of failures of electric submersible pump assembly

UDK: 622.
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-9-132-136
Key words: electric submersible pump (ESP) assembly, shutdown prediction, failure, Bayesian hierarchical Cox model
Authors: I.A. Lakman (Ufa University of Science and Technology, RF, Ufa) A.A. Agapitov (INTAS-company LLC, RF, Ufa) L.F. Sadikova (INTAS-company LLC, RF, Ufa) S.M. Gumerov (INTAS-company LLC, RF, Ufa) A.V. Paliy (RUSVIETPETRO JV LLC, RF, Moscow) M.S. Ryakhin (ZARUBEZHNEFT-Dobycha Kharyaga LLC, RF, Moscow) V.G. Prytkov (ZARUBEZHNEFT-Dobycha Kharyaga LLC, RF, Moscow) S.V. Blagorodov (ZARUBEZHNEFT-Dobycha Kharyaga LLC, RF, Moscow) D.A. Chernov (Zarubezhneft JSC, RF, Moscow) A.M. Kronin (ZARUBEZHNEFT-Dobycha Kharyaga LLC, RF, Moscow)

The article considers the development of an adequate model for predicting electric submersible pump (ESP) failures. The input data for the modeling is dynamic parameters of ESP assembled in 76 production wells located in one oil field. The obtained dynamics were corrected by eliminating anomalous observations and filling the gaps with subsequent aggregation into dynamic series with equal observation periods. Then dynamic series were formed with a time step equal to a day. Chronological average and standard deviations average were created for each aggregated indicator and for each value of the series. These deviations were calculated as a difference of chronological average for the previous day and for 7 days. Additional difference was determined between average for current day and average for 7, 14 and 30 days, as well as a standard deviation for the same period. The transformed telemetry data were binarized by dividing them by variables above or below the critical cutoff threshold associated with the risk of ESP shutdown and determined by ROC analysis. The generalized multivariate Gsslasso Cox multivariate model (Bayesian hierarchical Cox model) was formed based on the pre-selected statistically significant risk predictors. The obtained predictions were compared with the actual number of unscheduled ESP stops. The main risk factors predictors are the high gas factor (GOR) and the factor of prolonged pump operation in the up-thrust region (high flow rate, low head).


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