Geological features and oil and gas potential of the Jurassic deposits of the Yu.E. Baturin field

UDK: 550.8:553.98
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-9-96-101
Key words: geological structure, field, reservoir, hydrocarbons, oil, seismic exploration, model, attributes
Authors: S.R. Bembel (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft, Surgutneftegas PJSC, RF, Tyumen) R.M. Bembel (Tyumen Industrial University, RF, Tyumen)

The article discusses the hydrocarbon potential and the features of the geological structure of Jurassic deposits in recently discovered oil field in the eastern part of the Krasnoleninsky arch of Western Siberia. Based on the analysis of seismic survey materials, drilling and testing of exploratory wells, geophysical survey data and core studies, the characteristics of the structure of the Middle Jurassic object JuK2-5, including sand layers JuK2-3, JuK4, JuK5, formed in complex polyfacial environment is demonstrated. For boundaries justification of deposits of the JuK2-5 formation the following data were used: well test, core and 2D CDP seismic surveys. To clarify the sedimentation environment and predict the reservoir properties distribution of the objects of interest, a dynamic interpretation of seismic surveys was conducted, seismic attributes were calculated. The boundaries of productive lenses of the JuK2-3, JuK4 and JuK5 units and the distribution of effective oil-saturated thicknesses were calculated taking into account the attributes for the corresponding intervals of the seismic section. In the JuK2-5 formation, two lithologically limited oil deposits have been identified with conventional boundaries established based on the dynamic analysis of CDP 2D seismic data. The results of the deposits geometrization of the JuK2-5 object made it possible to estimate oil in place; however, as a degree of exploration of the field is insufficient the reliability of the boundaries of the identified deposits and the distribution of the effective oil-saturated thicknesses is low. The article indicates the need to create more reliable geological models based on the facies zoning of undrilled areas using detailed seismic facies analysis.


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